[Salon] A realistic path towards peace for Ukraine and Russia



 TheHill.comA realistic path towards peace for Ukraine and Russia



MARCH 22, 2022


The courage and eloquence of Volodymyr Zelensky and the bravery of the Ukrainian people have been inspiring. At the same time, the carnage in Ukraine has been awful, and it will almost certainly get worse, as long as events continue on their current trajectory. 


Neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians seem to possess the overwhelming power needed to achieve victory. So, if the fighting persists, the result is likely to be a long-term stalemate. Without assigning cause or blame, it would appear that both sides are now involved in a lose-lose struggle.   


At this point, probably the only way to stop the death and destruction is for Ukraine and Russia to understand that they cannot achieve their maximum demands and that they will almost certainly have to settle for less than what they would have wanted to achieve. In other words, there needs to be a compromise. While compromise can be perceived as the lowest common denominator, the parties would be wise to see the process, rather, as reaching for the highest common denominator.    


Henry Kissinger anticipated this when he wrote in 2014 that “if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.” 


Here is what a bridging agreement might look like:











On Friday, Vladimir Putin articulated his demands for ending the hostilities in a telephone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Taking him at his word, what Putin was seeking was not so far from what is being proposed here. He was obviously speaking for the Russian side, and his demands did not reflect the Ukrainian perspective. The above list also brings in many of Ukraine’s needs that will have to be included if the Ukrainians are to agree. 


The bottom line would seem to be that peace may be within reach — if the parties are truly willing to find ways to bridge their differences. 


John Marks was the founder and long-time president of Search for Common Ground, an international non-governmental organization involved in peacebuilding. He currently is the managing director of Confluence International, a peacebuilding group based in Amsterdam. 


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